We are a group of Christians seeking to offer prayer  across the city all day, everyday. Our aim is to connect all the many groups who offer prayer across the city with each other. We want to show the wide diversity of prayer, from the morning and evening prayer said in churches, to the prayer chains alerting each other to individuals prayer needs, to individual prayer, and all the other forms of prayer that we know takes place all across the city. We hope to convey a sense of prayer as ‘everyday’. We want to celebrate prayer and let people know that it is happening all around them.  


Do you want someone to pray for you or do you have a specific prayer request? 

The Hereford Prayer Hub would love to pray for you.

Simply fill out your prayer request below and click Send.

Or  Email; herefordprayerhub@herefordanglican.org

 Or leave a prayer request marked Hereford Prayer Hub in one of the boxes at;


Putson Baptist Church

41 Web Tree Avenue, 

Hereford HR2 6HQ


Challenge Church

40 Belmont Road HR2 7JW


St Paul’s Tupsley

Church Road HR1 1RT


St Martin’s 

89 Ross Road HR2 7RJ


All prayer requests will be kept confidential

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

If you would like to pray with others follow this link