My experience of prayer

Informed Prayer – Ann Stoake’s experience 
I find it’s no use praying about a situation or for someone without accurate information God knows all the details. When two or three people ask GOD  he will grant their request - HE does - in HIS own good time  – scripture tells me !!
Informed prayer requests must be specific – accurate up-to-date information is essential and must be kept CONFIDENTIAL or shared ONLY  with others on a prayer chain or in a group.I have found I seem to get results when I chose a person or an aspect of the situation nearest to me – e.g. my neighbour  – that  I have  some experience of. I live with a collection of life-long dis-eases and have worked in and volunteered for the NHS. As well as  being  active in my Christian Faith these days I pray for those at dis-ease in body, mind, or spirit.
 Communication is a two way process so listening – being quiet in body and mind is as important as words. I empty my thoughts  about the next tasks into a metaphorical box as I drink and eat a biscuit.
 Informed prayer has two elements to it –the actual asking God to show me His will, then actually doing something practical – sending a  post card with an encouraging message, asking if a telephone call or an e-mail would be appreciated, putting at least £1 in a collecting box.
I have to remind myself that as I change into clean /different clothes  regularly so I need to look regularly at my prayer routine - give it a good tidy-up, get rid of the rubbish, make room to try something new. I find it best to have a slot each day, not always at the same time, I have a day off  each week. I make myself comfortable (chair or bed )with a drink –tea or alcohol and a biscuit(echos of communion/communication with GOD ) and something to occupy my hands –drawing, knitting, string of beads.
 Prayer is something I  look forward too – not a daily chore. It is useful to keep a record of  how each situation is progressing. No progress- I ask for more specific information- has there been a change -if so how or what ? Polite persistence gets results – eventually. 30yrs is my record so far!
Many folks are afraid of the effects of prayer especially in their lives so won’t ask, or put a block on  prayers. If  I feel that has happened I  park their request. It means they are not ready to face the change that the event has caused in their life –the sacrifice.
I never read ‘how to books’ on prayer-the only way to pray is to get involved. Walk the walk instead of talking the jargon.  I am prepared to take risks - it’s got me into and out of all sorts of situations – like writing this for a group of folks I feel I may have met but don’t really know.
I do get cross with God for letting a situation happen to me, personally, or to someone else especially when none of us  saw it coming.     
Prayer I find, is a proven  useful tool in the management of the effects of  dis-ease – pain, lack of movement etc. especially when it includes others in the same boat and those who give support with care,medication etc.
Last of all  when there are results to prayer –return to ease from dis-ease or the final cure - a well managed Death,then I give  THANKS  to GOD for all the help and support  folks on earth prompted by prayer, have given by time, skills and resources-personal or collective!